As we reflect on this past year, we at Sons and Daughters of Haiti (SNDHaiti) are overwhelmed with gratitude for all the support we have received from our donors, friends, family and well-wishers. We realize that this is what the creed of our flag, “L’union fait la force,” is all about. In unity, everyone combined his or her time, talent, money and energy to help reach a common goal—to make our beloved Haiti a better place. This is no small feat and we’ve only gotten started! Living in America, we have much to be grateful for, and this is why we are so passionate about helping our brothers and sisters in Haiti. Thank you for joining us on our mission.
In 2017, we had the opportunity to host a 5K Run/Walk in Florida, travel to Haiti for SNDHaiti’s inaugural health and wellness mission trip and host a Haitian Family Comedy Night in Chicago, IL. We would like to give special thanks to our board and prominent individuals in the Haitian community who helped make all of our efforts a success.
As we look to the future, we realize that although some work has been done there is much more ahead of us. It will take unwavering commitment and determination to improve the country’s infrastructure, quality of education and health care system. We know that people like you can help unlock the doors of opportunity to help us power our mission to create impactful change.
In the spirit of the global day of generosity, #GivingTuesday, we urge you to remember our cause and support our efforts. What better way to kick off this charitable season than to make a donation toward our non-profit, Sons and Daughters of Haiti? Your contributions can help stop the bleeding and influence small acts of kindness. Spread the news, tell all your co-workers, friends and family about it—SNDHaiti is doing great things and anyone can be a part of it. Learn more about it here.