Dear friends,
Six members from one family; including our beloved Yole and Tony, lost their lives on Saturday September 2, 2018. This tragedy leaves us all with heavy hearts, wondering if one would ever recover. By the same token, we are asking how is this family going to deal with the costs of burials. Your support is crucial to our efforts to raise $5000 and show the family we stand with them. If you’re able, we would love it if you could make a donation to help us achieve our mission of telling the family we feel their pain.
Please receive our sincere thanks in advance for your contribution.
Follow the instructions outlined below:
1. Click on the “Donate” tab
2. Select the amount you would like to donate
3. Click the dropdown menu under the section “Would you like to donate this to a specific campaign?” and select ‘Friends of Maggie (Yole)
For more info call: (678)-533-9525 or email at
Aly Laveaux
Donate by Mail
Sons and Daughters of Haiti
3208 Festival Drive
Margate, FL 33063